Travel & Lifestyle

A Guide to Grocery Shopping Online

If you just don’t have the time to drive to the store, why not have your groceries delivered to you? It saves you a lot of time, the ingredients are fresh and packaged well and you can do it quite easily from your phone or laptop. Here’s how to do it.

Go to the website of your preferred store and browse their day’s selection of food items, frozen foods, desserts, vegetables and fruits.

Click on the item you want to buy and simply move it to the digital shopping cart at the top right-hand corner of the screen. Some websites will have a ‘Move to cart’ option near the item itself which you can simply click.

Check the quantity of items you are purchasing. If potatoes are packed in one-pound packets but you want two pounds, be sure to check the item quantity as two.

Keep a track of what you are spending from the automatically updated tally. The total keeps changing as you add more items to your cart. When you are done shopping, check all the items in your cart to make sure you haven’t missed anything.

Go to the checkout page of the website. If this is your first time, you might be asked to create an account with your name, email, phone number and delivery address.

Once your account is created, the site will direct you to the payment page where you can input your credit card or debit card details.

Once the payment goes through, most sites will give you an order number to track your delivery and even send you a confirmation email. All you have to do now is wait for your groceries to be delivered

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